Wednesday, July 3, 2019

How to add Blogger Contact Form with very few simple steps
Adding blogger contact form is worrisome to everyone. As a result, bloggers decide to use third-party contact form service providers – 123formbuilder, Jetform, Google contact form etc. which are not enough fast loading and cannot be customized if you want.

But today I will guide you on how to add a contact form (default contact form) in blogger step by step with video demonstration.

Before going to start I want to point out some advantages of using Blogger default contact form. So, let’s discuss it.

Benefits of Adding Default Contact Form

  • The interface is very simple and neat and clean. Visitors easily can pay attention to it.
  • It's 100% fast loading and you will get mail instantly.
  • Moreover, if you have an idea on CSS and HTML, you can customize it in the way you like.
So far so good. Now let’s point out each step that I will walk you through the whole article. If you face any problem, I have enclosed a video demonstration which can make you much easier to understand. You directly can watch it at below.

1: Contact Form Widget Adding:

For adding Contact Form Widget go to the blogger and log in with Gmail password. Once you see the blogger interface click on “Layout” (follow the screenshot below – See no- 01)

blogger contact from page, how to add blogger contact form
Then click on “Add a Gadget” (See no -02 Above). Once you click it, a window will pop up and scroll down to find out “Contact Form”.

Finally when you find contact form click on over it and save it. Now you are done. Let’s go for another step.
blogger contact from page, how to add contact form in blogger

2: Copying "Contact Form" code with "Inspect Element"

Well, don’t worry, this step is very easy. We will find out the “Contact Form Code” by “Inspect Element” then copy the whole code into notepad. So, let’s jump into deeper.

After the first step is done, click on “View Blog” at the right side corner of the blogger interface (See no –A)

blogger contact form page, how to add blogger contact page

It will take you to your blog template and you can see the “Contact form” widget you have added?

To find out contact form code, at first, move your cursor over the contact form then click right button of your mouse then select “Inspect” (See the image below)

blogger contact from page, adding contact page in blogger

Once you select “Inspect” you will see a window with a lot of codes. Now see the “widget-ContactForm” left side which is important for us and we are looking for. When you take your cursor over it, (See no- 2) right side contact form will get highlighted. This makes you clear that your selection is perfect and you can go next (See no -3)

blogger contact form page, blogger contact page adding in blogger

Now click right button of your mouse over “widget-ContactForm” (See no- 1) then select the “Edit as HTML”

how to create blogger contact page, blogger contact form page

Once you select it, you can see the contact form HTML codes that we need to add contact form page. (See below image)

Now select the whole HTML codes and copy it and finally save it into a Notepad. I will apply this code in adding our contact page.

blogger contact form page, how to add contact page in blogspot
We are almost done. Only 2 steps are left. If you get bored or seem complex, watch the tutorial video directly. And follow every step I did. I hope you definitely can do that.

If you want to keep reading. It sounds great!

3: Hiding Contact Form Hiding

We have added default contact form widget and copied the HTML codes. Then finally we have saved contact form HTML codes into a Notepad.

On this step, we will hide the “contact form widget” that we have added a little ago. Bear in mind, you have to very careful while doing it because we will customize our main template or theme file. If you make any mistake, your blog will get wrong. So, let’s jump into the main point –

Click on “Theme” at the right side and then click on “Edit HTML” (See the image below A and B)

blogger contact form page, adding blogger contact page

After clicking on “Edit HTML”, you will see something like that is given below (your blog template codes)

blogger contact form page, how to add blogger contact page

Now click anywhere within the template code then press together Ctrl+F from your keyboard. Copy this code ]]></b:skin> and paste on it and hit enter. (See the images below)

blogger contact form page, contact form adding in blogger

Once you find the code then copy the below code and paste before ]]></b:skin>. Exactly as same as I did (see the images below)

div#ContactForm1 {
display: none !important;

blogger contact form page, how to add blogger contact page

Finally, save the Template. So, now we are going to add “Contact Form” in the Page on this final step. So, let’s jump into the final step.

4: Creating The Contact Page

Click on “Page” at the left side and then click on “New Page” (See the image below)
blogger contact form page, how to add a contact page for blogger

Once you are done, you can see a window. Now, select on “HTML” mode (See the image below) and paste those codes we have copied for Contact Form with “Inspect Element” and saved into a Notepad on the last step 2.

Or you can copy the below HTML code –
<div class="widget ContactForm" data-version="2" id="ContactForm2">
<div class="widget-title">
<h3 class="title">
Contact Form
<div class="contact-form-widget">
<div class="form">
<form name="contact-form">
<input class="contact-form-name" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-name" name="name" size="30" type="text" value="">
<span style="font-weight: bolder;">*</span>
<input class="contact-form-email" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email" name="email" size="30" type="text" value="">
<span style="font-weight: bolder;">*</span>
<textarea class="contact-form-email-message" cols="25" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message" name="email-message" rows="5"></textarea>
<input class="contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-submit" type="button" value="Send">
<div style="text-align: center; max-width: 222px; width: 100%">
<p class="contact-form-error-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message"></p>
<p class="contact-form-success-message" id="ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message"></p>

And finally makes sure “ContactForm1” is changed to “ContactForm2” otherwise, your contact form will remain in hidden.

If everything is done successfully then click on “Publish” at the right side and check out whether it works or not.
create contact page in blogger, blogger contact form page


I have tried to walk you through the whole tutorial of adding a blogger contact form in the page. And you have followed me up to the final step.

If you face any problem and are not interested in reading, I have made a video tutorial. You can watch it as many as you want.

Well, if you get stuck while following every step as mentioned above. You can do comment and if this post is helpful please share it. I will bring with another great topic later.

Thank you so much. Enjoy!!!
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Haunts of the Heart: Landscapes of Lynn Zimmerman
free furniture store tri-fold brochure template, free tri-fold brochure
Here you can download free Furniture Tri-fold Brochure which is PSD format and can be used in multi ways. The included PSD file is fully layered which helps you for modification. You can change the color and replace your images, logo easily.


  1. 300 dip/ CMYK
  2. Easy Customizable
  3. Quick Replacement with Smart Object

Fonts used in the Design

  1. BigNoodleTitling
  2. Baron Neue
  3. Lemon/Milk
Note: Before opening the main file, you have to install these two fonts into your system. Otherwise, you cannot edit the text with your own. All fonts are free to download.
5 Urgent Reasons to Improve Your Organic CTR Rate Right Now
Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per! Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus tincidunt nisl malesuada tristique, cum egestas vel ac dapibus euismod suspendisse. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mauris suspendisse viverra eleifend tortor tellus suscipit, tortor aliquet at nulla mus, dignissim neque, nulla neque. Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per! Magazine blogger template

velit viverra minim sed metus egestas sapien consectetuer, ac etiam bibendum cras posuere pede placerat, velit neque felis. Turpis ut mollis, elit et vestibulum mattis integer aenean nulla, in vitae id augue vitae. Lacus eu nulla ante lorem, viverra pretium ipsum etiam, platea nec purus malesuada id leo, aliquam metus, ac velit viverra.

5 Urgent Reasons to Improve Your Organic CTR Rate Right Now

Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per! Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus tincidunt nisl malesuada tristique, cum egestas vel ac dapibus euismod suspendisse. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mauris suspendisse viverra eleifend tortor tellus suscipit, tortor aliquet at nulla mus, dignissim neque, nulla neque. Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per!

velit viverra minim sed metus egestas sapien consectetuer, ac etiam bibendum cras posuere pede placerat, velit neque felis. Turpis ut mollis, elit et vestibulum mattis integer aenean nulla, in vitae id augue vitae. Lacus eu nulla ante lorem, viverra pretium ipsum etiam, platea nec purus malesuada id leo, aliquam metus, ac velit viverra.

Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per! Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus tincidunt nisl malesuada tristique, cum egestas vel ac dapibus euismod suspendisse. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mauris suspendisse viverra eleifend tortor tellus suscipit, tortor aliquet at nulla mus, dignissim neque, nulla neque. Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per!

velit viverra minim sed metus egestas sapien consectetuer, ac etiam bibendum cras posuere pede placerat, velit neque felis. Turpis ut mollis, elit et vestibulum mattis integer aenean nulla, in vitae id augue vitae. Lacus eu nulla ante lorem, viverra pretium ipsum etiam, platea nec purus malesuada id leo, aliquam metus, ac velit viverra.

Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per! Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus tincidunt nisl malesuada tristique, cum egestas vel ac dapibus euismod suspendisse. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mauris suspendisse viverra eleifend tortor tellus suscipit, tortor aliquet at nulla mus, dignissim neque, nulla neque. Ultrices proin mi urna nibh ut, aenean sollicitudin etiam libero nisl, ultrices ridiculus in magna purus consequuntur, ipsum donec orci ad vitae pede, id odio. Turpis venenatis at laoreet. Etiam commodo fusce in diam feugiat, nullam suscipit tortor per!

velit viverra minim sed metus egestas sapien consectetuer, ac etiam bibendum cras posuere pede placerat, velit neque felis. Turpis ut mollis, elit et vestibulum mattis integer aenean nulla, in vitae id augue vitae. Lacus eu nulla ante lorem, viverra pretium ipsum etiam, platea nec purus malesuada id leo, aliquam metus, ac velit viverra.
Home Run Kitten Favored in Competitive San Simeon
So much for fancy cars, houses and jewelry.Eighty-one percent of Americans believe their "most valuable asset" is their family, according to a new survey by Edward Jones and the nonprofit consumer-education organization Life Happens. And one quarter of respondents in the national sampling of adults confessed that their biggest fear was saddling their nearest and dearest with unexpected financial burdens if they’re unable to work or die prematurely.

Which begs the question: If we’re so worried about protecting what we treasure most, why don’t more people have life insurance?Ask most experts, and they’ll tell you that such policies can help provide crucial resources for anyone with loved ones to support. And yet the latest figures show only 41 percent of U.S. households have individual life insurance.

"Most Americans have little or no safeguards for their financial goals," says Ken Cella, principal of the Client Strategies Group at the financial services firm Edward Jones. "They may understand the value of having emergency funds to cover unexpected financial expenses in the short term, but they’re less protected for the long-term financial implications."Faisa Stafford, president of Life Happens, puts it even more bluntly:

Home Run Kitten Favored in Competitive San Simeon

"Emergency savings aren’t a long-term financial solution, especially if a family’s primary breadwinner were to die."Much of the disconnect between what we’ll call "the urge to protect" and the reality on the ground can be blamed on one or both of the following misconceptions:* It’s too expensive. Think of this as the equivalent of the alligators-in-New-York-City-sewers myth. When Life Happens and LIMRA, a global life insurance research and consulting group, asked participants in their 2017 Insurance Barometer Study how much a $250,000 term life policy for a healthy 30-year-old would cost, NerdWallet reports, the median estimate was $500 a year – more than three times the actual annual amount of $160.

But let’s say that would-be policy holder wanted even more protection for his dependents. Forbes magazine recently calculated that that same incorrect median estimate – $500 – would buy a healthy, non-smoking, 30-something male a 20-year term policy with a million-dollar death benefit. Some people spend more than that in a year on caffe lattes.That said, prices do vary based on factors like age, health, amount of coverage, and whether you opt for term or permanent insurance. The former – the most affordable – covers a specific time frame (usually 20 years or less), while the latter stays in force for life (as long as you continue to pay the premiums). Online aids like Edward Jones’ complementary Life Insurance Needs calculator can help with factors to consider when determining how much life insurance may be appropriate for you.

* The policy I have through work is good enough. And if you’re no longer employed there? Not only is group life insurance generally not portable, it typically only provides benefits equal to one or two times your annual salary."Growing families usually need greater protection than that," says Scott Thoma, an investment strategist at Edward Jones, "and they need coverage that’s not contingent on work status."Know that life insurance doesn’t simply assign a monetary value to someone’s life. Which brings us to another revealing finding of the Edward Jones-Life Happens "Protect What Matters" survey.Twenty-three percent of participants didn’t know it can even cover expenses like college tuition for a surviving child.Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P. and in California, New Mexico, and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
Blake Griffin posterizes Aron Baynes twice in Clippers-Spurs Game
The current startup business environment today is full of opportunities for investors who want to get in on the global economy. At the upcoming Global Startup Summit, a free online event, startups from around the world can network with each other and with investors for mutual benefit.

The 7-day online event will be streaming on Each day is dedicated to a different region of the world and includes three sessions with experts in the tech-enabled business field, a panel discussion on investment opportunities and consumer trends, and pitches from two startups.

Key themes at the Global Startup Summit include early-stage investment opportunities, global consumer trends, and trends in tech adoption across markets, according to Global Startup Media, a Virginia-based media company covering the business of global startups. The event begins on February 18, 2019, with Africa Day, followed by Asia Pacific Day (Feb. 19), Europe Day (Feb. 20), US Opportunity Zone Day (Feb. 21), Latin America Day (Feb. 22), Middle East Day (Feb. 23), and Canada Day (Feb. 24).

Blake Griffin posterizes Aron Baynes twice in Clippers-Spurs Game

Presenters at the Global Startup Summit include the World Bank, African Tech Roundup, Chinaccelerator, Middle East Venture Partners and more. “As technology globalizes opportunity and capital, investors and founders are aggressively looking for new opportunities outside of their domestic markets, we are working closely with leading global brands in startups to present investment opportunities and consumer trends in startup ecosystems worldwide,” says Andrew Berkowitz, CEO and founder of Global Startup Media, the company organizing the conference.

“Great companies can be started anywhere in the world, and startups are growing everywhere. This event is an exciting opportunity to promote and connect the leaders driving growth and creating opportunities in the world’s startup ecosystems,” emphasizes Anne Driscoll, president and cofounder of Launch Pad, an organization with locations in cities across the U.S. that supports entrepreneurs and startups.

Launch Pad is partnering with Global Startup Media to host the conference. Technology trends related to startups on the US and global scene that may catch and hold investors’ attention include virtual reality/augmented reality, health technology, 3-D printing, and artificial intelligence, according to Fast Company magazine. These trends may materialize in startups in areas such as audible computing (Alexa, Google Home), smart cameras, consumer experiences, and micromobility in cities (shared spaces). Visit for more information and to register in advance.
What did we learn from Manchester United loss at Chelsea?
Now is the ideal time to revisit your travel bucket list. Before you choose your destination based solely on a list, though, reflect on the types of experiences that really gratify you – culinary, history, culture, adventure. Then craft your ideal vacation from there.Seek out a well-established leader in experiential travel to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a local and then some – whether it’s cooking classes in a Tuscan villa or bathing with elephants at a Thailand sanctuary.

"At Blue-Roads Touring Company, we immerse our guests in a region’s culture and customs," says Ed Pettitt, General Manager."We take them to places that are difficult or next to impossible to plan and explore on their own. Fun, enriching visits into local homes to share authentically prepared meals. Outings to farms, orchards, vineyards. Even treks to the frontlines of Europe’s most famous battlefields."If great literature moves you, you’ll get an intimate look at William Shakespeare, regarded to be the world’s greatest English-language author, dramatist and poet.

What did we learn from Manchester United loss at Chelsea?

As part of Blue-Roads’ Heart of England tour, you’ll venture to Stratford-upon-Avon to delve into the Bard’s life, including his timbered childhood home and wife Anne Hathaway’s thatched cottage.Passionate about gardening, or simply just love floral splendor? The world-renowned Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show puts you in the center of the sensory pleasures of England’s greatest gardens.Is cuisine a top, or the utmost, consideration?

Focus on authenticity and diversity above price in deciding what to eat, drink and do. Blue-Roads indulges its guests with many options such as, sampling some of the world’s best street food in Hanoi, Michelin-starred dining in Spain, or savoring fresh shellfish right off the boat in Gallipoli.The best culinary trip delights more than your palate. It informs and engages you, too. Explore how grapes become world-class varietals or how milk is crafted into mozzarella. Share in the tradition and ceremony of High Tea. Culinary experiences bring you together with others and encourage cross-cultural understanding.A personally fulfilling itinerary elevates your precious time off. Key to that is your individual space and discovery time.

Seek out the destination expert who strikes a balance between organized activities and downtime. Blue-Roads favors quality over quantity, thoughtfully curating a select number of unforgettable experiences while also ensuring you of time to relax, recharge and unwind.Their careful combination of specialized excursions, sightseeing and personal time encourages you to dig deeper into the many layers of a destination. Instead of merely returning home with items checked off from a travel to-do list, they ensure that you return with expanded experience and knowledge.

You’ll relish your trip for years after – perhaps when you try out that recipe for delicious eastern European pierogi or use that tongue-twisting phrase learned at the Welsh Language Heritage Centre.As you create your next vacation, start with what’s meaningful to you, and what brings you joy.So choose a trusted, inspired tour partner such as Blue-Roads. Your special trip will unfold from there.